Wow. Gallery One Ten is incredible! The opening of their transportation show kicked off with a play by BYU students on the issues of current transportation: bussing, biking, walking, driving, scooters, paratransit, longboarding...it was great.

Then, to get everyone's gears turning in their heads, the whole group walked, biked, strollered (now a word), bussed, drove, or wheel-chaired their way to the Gallery One Ten, where hot chocolate and cookies were served and a roomful of artwork was waiting to be explored.

What a great place! There was a car-racing station, HUGE pieces of butcher paper laid out for people to trace their footprint and write a message about transportation, the front of the gallery was covered with bicycles, and there were photos and drawings and paintings lining the walls. Even the chicken bike was there! It was packed!
I don't know who drew this picture, but DANG! Pretty sweet, huh? I took a detail photo of the mermaid and what I think is water shooting from the body of the ship.
that is such a sweet picture. there are so many details. it's one of those pictures you could look at every day and find something new each time.
i like the arms grabbing the ship from the bottom. whoa!
if you hadn't said "I don't know who drew this picture"
I might have thought you drew it.
very cool! good work!
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