Thursday, January 24, 2008

Way To Go!

The Gallery One Ten is having a visual arts show on transportation. It sounds really great and it open today. The show will run until February 12, and then the show will be taken over by the Temporary Museum of Permanent Change, which is HUGE!
My submission is a 30x40" watercolor and ink illustration, showing how various important people from around the world traveled. Hopefully it shows how these people did what they did in large part because of how they travelled.
Woody Guthrie, for example: Woody rode ontop of and inside trains. This allowed him to travel all across America and learn songs from other people. Get to know their lifestyles. He wrote the song, "This Land Was Made For You and Me", and who better to write it than someone who really experienced the people living all across America?


Jamin LeFave said...

Congrads! These are great. I like the water color and pen/ink look. It totally works with your drawing style. I could diffidently see this as a picture book. You might consisder submitting it to a publisher.

Anonymous said...

sup dude it was good to see you the other day, i love the mark twain!

Kirsten said...

very creative. good for you for acutally putting your self out there.

Anonymous said...

oh gee! when does the museum take over? maybe i will be around to see it IN THE FLESH.

Anonymous said...

ROFL! These are spectacular! I really like the Donald Trump one...

hummdrumm said...

thats a fun series. ive never tried water colour! were these for school?