Monday, August 18, 2008

Arts in the Park

Tonight is the first annual Arts in the Park!
From 3pm-dusk there will be a gaggle of visual artists camped out at the pavillion just north of the SCERA Pool in SCERA Park. I get my very own booth, where I'll have teeny tiny pictures and some not-so-tiny pictures for sale. I'll also have a few sculptures I've made for sale.

Here are a few of the pictures I'll have for sale tonight:


Anonymous said...

hey man look at you go! I love the top one, you should experiment with that style! looks like a children's book. I like it alot, good to hear from you!!

Dillon Thompson said...

Cute and supple. That's how I would describe it. I really like the these a lot.

James Hoopes said...

I can see the development of a great style of wonderment and amazement in development! Let us be pleased to gaze upon more visual stimulus from your arsenal.

Kirsten said...

OMG, you hadn't posted in FOREVER! LOVE THE "PAPER CUTS!!" I am trying to get Andy's stuff to Boomerang bookstore. then maybe we'll have more room on our walls for other stuff.

Juliette said...

Wow, I didn't know about this. Too bad, I would have liked to go. Cool new work, and I'm glad to hear you are doing better.

hummdrumm said...

by far my favorite. reminds me of francis bacon( if you havent figured it out yet, chris jacobys friend, curtis!)