Friday, June 12, 2009

Terrible Yellow Eyes

Maurice Sendak turned 81 yesterday and I celebrated by drawing up some pictures of Max from his Where the Wild Things Are. I was invited to participate in the Terrible Yellow Eyes project, featuring some work by my favorite living artists and that's where my pictures are to this very day. Amazing, right?

So, right after I submitted my pictures, I made one I like a gratrillion times better. Oh well...


Glory von Hathor said...

That's always the way. And how exciting to be peers with the people you admire. It must tell you something about the quality of your own work, no?

travis pitcher said...

i just want to say that i love your work jess. you are one of the most creative and talented artists that i know and i just love it. it is an inspiration to us all. keep it coming. that is all.